Just filled the car with all my clothes, games, small appliances, tools, etc., to give to the youth for a car boot sale (swap meet). "Jesus said unto him... go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me." I've always wondered what that would feel like and now I know. Surprisingly, it doesn’t feel like I’ve lost anything at all, but that I’ve gained. It is a relief not having to worry about 'things' anymore; about status, prestige, property or any of those attributes so important to the world. With each item removed, I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders. I have never felt so free in all my life.

And so the journey begins. I am currently preparing myself for this pilgrimage, which I hope our Heavenly Father will bless and direct me in the way I should go to help those in need, to teach the gospel to those who are ready, and to see the beauty that exists throughout the world.

My preparation as been to obtain the items needed to survive, the items needed to record this journey, sell or give away all my things, live my life in such a way that I may be accompanied by the Spirit to direct me throughout.

I announced to all my friends and family, yesterday, that I am about to embark on this sacred journey and would enlist the prayers and encouragement of any who may be interested. I feel the Lord has caused the events in my life to transpire in such a fashion as to bring me to this point in my journey where I can fulfill this lifelong dream, and look forward to an auspicious future.

I plan on living off the land bringing a fishing pole and a sling shot to hunt with and when needed, will do small odd jobs to pay for such supplies as I may need from time to time (I do plan on using toilet paper and not pine cones :-).

I welcome all or any who are so interested to follow me on the unknown path that will begin in Madrid, Spain. Please understand, this may be a sacred journey but I do enjoy humor and fun so I apologize now for any posts that may offend ;-).