My son Zach standing in a hollowed shrine.

I arrived in Bordeaux and found a place to put up my tent. I know my son and his in-laws were due to arrive on the 24th from England so I figured I would give them a day to relax before I showed up. However, on the morning of the 25th it rained. Not just a little, this was a long soaking rain and the first I have experienced with my tent. Having put a tarp in the tent for the ground water, I thought I was okay. But, I didn’t know my tent was not waterproof and it was raining inside my tent. I had a puddle of water where my feet were so my sleeping bag and much of my bag was soaked or damp. Anything that touched the tent walls was wet, including me.

My son and his wife modestly clad in their fig leaves.

I haven’t seen my son in 3 years so it was great finally being able to spend some time with him. Unfortunately we spent much of the time shopping for a new tent or for other items needed by myself or his in-laws. We still enjoyed our time together and discussing matters of interest.

On Saturday the 29th Denis took us all to a Blaye Citadelle Chateau and Le Porge beach. I really enjoyed it because the family took their time and looked at everything in great detail and not just rushing to get to the next place. The architect of this fort created a new strategy. It was built in basically 3 triangles that would lure the enemies into areas where they could be attacked from an elevated position on three sides. Quite ingenious really.

My son and Chelsea (his new sister-in-law) in the out door bathroom. If you look at the feet, they had imprints of where your feet go while you are sitting. My son is demonstrating.

This is the remains of the actual castle. Not much left, it was small but interesting.

Zach and his wife kissing in a more private toilet.

My son and his in-laws.

This is the town inside the fort.

At the beach it was a bit too windy to enjoy it much. It was cold and the sand was pelting your legs like a sand blaster but I love seeing a beautiful beach unadulterated by human feet. I also enjoyed seeing all the wind surfers doing their tricks.

This reminded me of Pismo Beach.

No footprints. It was beautiful seeing a fresh beach, seemingly untouched.

After church today I will continue my pilgrimage to give them some time alone because Zach and his wife will be heading back to Utah early Tuesday morning.

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