This is a house along the lake.

I am no in town called Domodossola, it’s 9:10pm and raining. I see all big buildings around me so I don’t know where I will be sleeping as they will soon kick me out of the train station. I am sitting on a vent that is blowing warm air and I would be happy to sleep here but doubt they will let me. 

It has been quite a while since I’ve been able to get online so I am way behind on everything. I did have internet access in Zermatt but only for an hour and I started trying to catch up on my blog first but I didn’t know it was an hour and it cut me off before I could publish so that was an hour lost.

This was another house I came across along the lake.

I spent Sunday the 27th hiking 20km along Lake Maggiore because nobody would give me a lift. I received two small lifts, one 3km (2 miles) and another 10km (7 miles). It was a beautiful lake with islands but every time I tried taking pictures my camera wouldn’t work. The second lift dropped me off Castelletto Sopra Ticino where I spent the night at the bottom of a cement stair well going to an underground parking lot. Good thing I found this because there was a terrible storm with high winds that I’m sure would have destroyed my tent and soaked me anyway. I heard the wind but I was underground so I had no problems.

This is Dino next to the machine we worked on in the nursery.

I only had to walk about 2 miles to Sesto Calende when Dino picked me up. He is a very kind man 65 years old. He was going to take me to my next location (Milano) then told me he had to go to Vicenza and would be going back to Milano in the evening if I wanted to go with him. I had mentioned to him I was looking for people to help and he had three big drums of liquid he had to load into his van and take back. I offered to go help him and on the way back he offered to let me stay with him for the evening and feed me and tomorrow I will help him clean his machine before he takes me to Milano.

This is the garden of the Castle in Milan. I set up my tent in this garden.

Dino ended up paying for a train ticket for me as he was not going to finish cleaning the machine for a few days and didn’t need me anymore. He ended up also giving me a lot of food and 15 Euros to help with the trip. What a great man. I really enjoyed our conversations and friendship. He was a wealth of knowledge sharing information, especially on his vegetarian foods and diets. He also gave me an essential oil that helps with sinus blockage.

Half of Milan castle. It was huge!

Milan is more like New York (or what I imagine it to be as I have never been to New York. It was a big city with big buildings, lots of luxury shopping and everything was very expensive. Not much worth taking pictures of for me.

Half the inner court of the Milan Castle.

I was trying to go to Turin to spend Halloween with my friends there but didn't make it. While trying to walk to the outskirts of Milan to hitch a ride it started raining and it is hard enough getting a lift in Italy on a sunny day so I spent the rest of the day in McD's on the internet catching up. Now that it's dark the rained stopped.  Maybe I will find a place to set up my tent since it stopped raining but I will mainly be looking for something that will keep any more rain me.

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