This was the nicest scene for me in Copenhagen. It was a fort turned into a park.

On my last leg to Copenhagen I met a guy named Rob Smith who invited me to stay in his hotel room for the night. He was quite a good bloke from Manchester England. Really enjoyed chatting with him and he helped me out with some food and gave me the money to get a new tent so hopefully I will find something that won’t leak. Met his friends too and they also were very friendly and wanted to help as well. There are some very good people out there in the world regardless of what the people have to say about them. Rob told me about Mormon’s before he knew I was one but he allowed me to straiten out a few of the things he had been told about them like they have to give one third of their income to the church. I explained that a tithe is one tenth. I would like to remain near to be a friend to him but I do have to continue on trying to find some work shortly.

This was about the only old town looking area I came across.

Copenhagen was a disappointment for me. I guess my expectations of a charming place to visit was dashed when I observed just another big European city but without any character of its own. The buildings were flat and strait with no balconies, shutters, fancy doors or anything that would make them unique. The only thing reminiscent of its former culture was older buildings painted in different colours and even that was difficult to find. The people were nice I felt my tenure there a waste of time. The first day it rained all day long so I spent the majority of the time either in the tourist office or in the train station so my gear wouldn’t get soaked again. The next day I followed the tourist map several kilometres through Copenhagen where it was recommended to see all the sites. Other than a few unique buskers, it wasn’t worth the walk to me.

This was a rather unique Catholic church in that it was round.

I slept on a park bench next to a church but when I woke up and looked around I saw this sign. I don't know what a Slutspurt is but I'm glad I wasn't slimmed by one while I slept. I saw this again in Odense so it must have some specific meaning for them.

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