I went to the La Rumbla yesterday, which is an avenue filled with street merchants, performers and goodies. There was an open market just off the side where all manner of nuts, fruits, meat, etc., were sold as well as restaurants. Everything was so tempting, I had to restrain myself from buying anything because it was all quite expensive as well and I don’t have the money with me for luxury spending.

This is the front door to the second squatter house I am staying in. It is a solid metal door.

I found out yesterday that these squatters not only get the house rent free but they also get free water and electricity… and also food. The food they fed me they get from dumpster diving. There is also a chocolate factory where they get chocolate from the dumpsters. It is raw chocolate that still needs to be made into something but they had white, brown and blue chocolate (the blue was nasty).

This is the alleyway to the front door of the squatter house.

Last night we made dinner for the homeless and served it outside the front door. There were people from the other squatter house there too and they told us that tomorrow the other house will be opened for the community center. These people have little to nothing and scavenge wherever possible but they do have big hearts and try to help with the meagre amount they have to subsist on. Makes me feel a little guilty with all I have owned and have given a relative pittance.

They had a house meeting that I was welcomed to sit in on. One of the subjects was guests. Too many people were inviting people and they didn’t have room for them all. They were trying to come up with a solution for getting temporary people to stay only temporarily. I suggested they change the name of term from ‘guest’ to ‘slave’ and have them do all their work while they were here and then they would want to leave. They all got a big laugh and one of them said, “You realize you are one of these people?” I smiled and said I am, and I have swept and mopped the stairs and cleaned the various dog messes. It was the first joke I’ve told here that was actually understood. I do miss being able to joke with people.

A tid bit I forgot to mention about Amilcar, who was the guy who invited me to stay at the first squatter house. We had to walk over a mile from the beach to get the bus. I was carrying my pack and everyone was offering to help carry it because it looked so heavy. Amilcar insisted I let him take it for a while so I smiled and said okay. I put it on his back and I will not repeat the words he said but after about 100 ft of walking with it he asked me to lift up on the bag to take some of the weight off him. After about 100 yards he had it and told me I was nuts (a nicer version of his expletives). It took me a few days to get used to the weight.

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