Florence from The Michelagelo Piazzale.

I started walking toward Florence for several kilometers before finally receiving a lift by Sarah. Sara was young and spoke only a little English but through our conversation she wanted the missionaries to come by and bring a Book of Mormon.

Florence at dusk.

I walked a few more kilometers before being given a short lift by a man who dropped me off at the auto strada (freeway). In Italy it is illegal to auto stop (hitchhike) on the auto strada so I was waiting just before the sign indicating no auto stopping. It was very cold and the cars were flying by. Two guys pulled over to give me a lift but they were both going to Pisa instead of Florence. It turned dark and I know nobody picks up people after dark. I was very cold and uncomfortable, and became quite desperate. I prayed asking the Lord in increase my faith by getting me a lift to Florence. A minute or so later, 2 men from Armenia picked me up and was only going about another 10km. After talking with them a bit they gave me a lift all the way into Florence.

Florence is a beautiful city but what was more beautiful was the home and people I stayed with. Antonella’s friend Letizia was a wonderful woman who let me stay a couple nights with her. She had four other girls staying with her and they were all very good to me. The college girls told me I was like a father to them and that made me feel good. Sylvia was very kind as well. Their church started at 3:00pm but she got up to go to the 9:00am ward just so I could go to church and she could show me the way as it was quite complicated. After church I met Dave, who was an American. We talked for about an hour after church and Sylvia waited patiently for me to take me home.

Tuscany has got to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. It is replete with jagged hills and verdant beauty. Trees abound, rivers flow, beautiful edifices line the panorama and for those so inclined, the views are stunning and appear to flow interminably.

Dave and his wife Heather invited me to their house for dinner but before that, Dave was trying to help me find a lift to Rome the next day, where was to meet with Antonella. Because nobody was going, he offered to buy my train ticket to get there on time. They have 6 kids but still they have several people stay with them as well. They picked up and moved to Italy because one day the Lord told them to move to Italy and not because of work or opportunity. They were such a great family! All the kids were helping with dinner and one of the younger daughters kept coming in to see if there was anything else she could do to help. Dave played professional football in the Europe league and at 42 years of age he competed in the Summer Olympics and won two gold medals and a silver. His son and daughter also compete in track and field and both won first place in at least one of their events. Their youngest daughter was just a cute as could be and would try talking to me whenever I was near. We spent the evening discussing Dave, his daughter and a friend of their’s businesses. Dave is learning marketing and sales but he has naturally been doing many things correctly. I’m sure I could help him a bit but he has success written all over him and once he learns this aspect of business, there is nothing that will stop him.


This was the only bridge in Florence that Hitler didn't bomb because he said it was too beautiful. It is now filled with mostly jewelry shops.

The Florence Cathedral

That is not snow, it is marble chips from the marble display. This is another popular church in Florence.

This is the inner dome of the Cathedral.

The famed (copy of) David. This is at the Michelangelo Piazzale.

On the train to Rome we went through the country and there was heavy flooding. Cars, trucks and tractors were buried up to their wheels; houses and shops were filled with at least a foot of water, many trees are down or floating away in the flow of water, and the rain is still pouring down heavily. The fields for several hundreds of meters look like one big river now but there were no signs of people trying to save anything or anyone so I guess they are okay with it.

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