Unfortunately, my phone camera isn't working at the moment so several other buskers that were very good, I didn't get on video.

I finally made it to church today and it was very odd to me to sit through 3 hours of church having no clue what was being said. I did meet the Mission President whose name was President Hinkley and happened to be the son of President Hinkley. He is finishing his mission and returning home next week.

Since I have been hiking/walking all over the place and not eating much, I haven't been taking my meds for the diabetes. When it came time to sing the hymns in church, I found that my baritone singing voice was back. I loved the feel and sound of it so I bellowed out my interpretation of a Spanish him. I don't know what words I was actually singing (or if they were words) but they must have liked it because I turned many heads LOL.

I asked the Bishop and Elders quorum president if there were anyone who needed help so I could do come service projects but they didn't know anyone in need. I came back to my bench and got on here to update my blog when after about 20 minutes a woman was asking me if this was my spot. I told her it isn't anyone's spot it is a public bench. She then pointed to a man and said "is this yours" I looked over and he had my scripture bag. I was puzzled as to how he obtained it since it was sitting between my feet. They said they saw some kids take it then yelled and they dropped it.

I met a girl at church from Texas who was stuck here because someone pick pocketed her and took her wallet and passport so she has no money and can't pay the €110 for a new passport. I really feel sorry for her and wish I could help. Another guy I ran into said he was pick pocketed from his front pocket and it was zipped up as well. They are pretty good here so if you ever visit Barcelona, hide your wallet in your scriptures and then they won't want it LOL ;-)

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