I arrived in Frankfurt around 8:00pm and that is when everything closes down so there wasn’t much to do. I was told about the fake old town city they built to attract tourists but the town was totally destroyed during the war and rebuilt with modern buildings and skyscrapers. In the morning I was able to see the old town better so here are the pictures.

Something else that struck me in the morning; every day for the last four months in Europe I hear bells ringing throughout every city. It started the same here but after the other churches rang there bells, suddenly there was one church with a deeper and louder sound than all the others and it reverberated the walls around me. It was quite fun listening to it and I wish that had that in the tunnel in the Louvre where the saxophone player was showing off the acoustics.  That would be awesome.

I wondered into the city center and found this little market and a stage where a band was about to play. I was surprised they only played for about an hour then were told to close down because of noise ordinances in Frankfurt so after 10:00pm they had to stop. Most stores close at 8:00pm. After the mini concert I ended up talking to the guest singer who was talking to this 19 year old pretty Russian girl. After a few minutes he left so I continued talking to her. We ended up talking until about 3:00am… okay I say we but it was mostly her speaking and me listening. She did start saying she is attracted to men in their 40’s and her last boyfriend was 47. I told her I would consider myself a pedophile if I dated a woman that was 35 years old. I also told her I was Mormon and I don’t drink, smoke or have sex outside marriage. I thought that would be enough of a turn off but she stayed talking until 3:00am. I told her thanks for the conversation then put my hand out to shake hers then she reached up and gave me a big hug instead. I called a taxi for her and she was on her way.

I went to sleep late so I didn't notice until I woke up in the morning that I was sleeping below this statue that looked like the guy was peeing on me lol. That is my backpack on the ground where I was sleeping.

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