


Some cool old buildings in Geneva.

I left Luxemburg on the 20th and it was free travel day. I told the person at the train ticket counter that I wanted to go to Geneva and asked if it was still free. She said yes it is free to travel today. Therefore, I jumped on the train heading for Geneva but before the first stop the conductors asked me for a ticket. I told them it was free travel day. They told me that was in Luxembourg; in France and Switzerland I have to pay. They kicked me off at the next station and I hitchhiked from there. It took much of the day but I ended up in the middle of the country somewhere with no city. I was told it is a small toll booth with not many cars and it was dark out so I just camped at the toll booth.

Tour train in Geneva.

In the morning I figured it was light enough by 7:00 to try hitchhiking again. It was 1:30pm and still nobody had picked me up. I decided I would wait until 2:00pm then I would start hiking again. As it got close to 2:00pm I was hungry so I ate and figured when I finish eating I will walk, knowing that once you start hiking on the auto route (freeway) nobody will stop for you. I had two bites left in my carrot when two young men (Rick and Dietrich (sorry, don’t know how to spell it)) and they took me nearly all the way. I was within about one hour to Geneva. As we had time to talk, they let me share my views on the gospel as they were unfamiliar with Mormons and were basically agnostic themselves. They were on their way to learn rock climbing and kayaking so their car was filled with gear and it didn’t look like I would fit but they moved everything around and packed stuff tight so they could help me out. As I’ve said before, I always run into the best people in the world doing this.

I was here on Monday and all the museums are closed Mondays. Open Sunday but not Monday.

I received two other lifts that got me to Geneva at dusk so I will wait until tomorrow to see the city, then off to the Swiss Alps. I would like to see C.E.R.N. too while I’m here but I will find out if it is possible tomorrow. I know I have to hurry before the cold hits as it can instantly freeze up there when the weather turns.

Cool little park where you can play chess or checkers on giant boards on the ground.

Skate Park in Geneva

Inside a church in Geneva. See what money can buy you. This guys crypt must have cost a fortune to be in the middle of the church alone like this.

Caught these people setting up this girl to look like she was abducted and attacked for an add to get people to send money to their cause. I hate deception like this.

The most famous feature of Geneva. I believe it goes 100m into the air.

With all the time waiting I was able to get more accomplished on my book and figure I am about half way through the initial draft. I am now recharging my batteries in McDonald’s and I will continue to work on my book while I wait for them to charge.

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