I waited a few hours before being picked up by a guy who took me to San Remo and there I waited several hours more before being picked up by Sara. Sara amazed me. After hundreds of rich cars passed me by, not even asking me where I was going and most not looking at me, I finally get picked up by this poor woman who works for only 1600 euro’s per month but because of the price of petrol and tolls to get to work, she pays over 500 euros per month in travel, a bunch in taxes so she is left with only a few hundred to pay for housing, utilities and food. However, when she dropped me off in Savona she tried giving me money as well. I wouldn’t take if of course but I’m getting to feel shame for rich people. Those who have (not all), just will not give or try to help but the poor always seem to give what you need and offer more. I wanted to hug here and not just because she was cute. I was so moved by her offering me money when it was obvious she had very little.

Okay, so the first picture of Italy should not be of my shoes but I was heading for Turino and didn't stop at any cool sites though the drive was beautiful.

I made it to Savona and was walking a short distance when my shoe finally gave out on me and I knew it was now a waste of time trying to repair it so I was now forced to pay the money for new shoes. I also needed some food and found a large market so I thought I would get some food then go find some trekking shoes. I have never seen trekking shoes below 50 Euros so far on this trip but figured I would have to bite the bullet. This market was like a Wal-Mart or Tesco’s and while I was walking down the first aisle I realized I passed by the path to the food then thought to myself, why did I go this way, I’m not going to buy anything but food here. However, I decided to go to the end of the aisle then go back on the next. As I came around the corner, they had trekking shoes normally 50 euros, on sale half price and the ones displayed were my size. Coincidence or blessing? I’m guessing blessing.

I finally made it to Torino (previously the capital of Italy) and the first thing I saw in a mall was this cowboy restaurant. It was funny because nobody spoke English.

This was the only map on the wall making Utah and Salt Lake City the most prominent names on the map. Since SLC is not known as a prominent town for cowboys and Indians, I suspected the owner was probably Mormon but when I asked, nobody could tell me.

I hope you can see the Teepee booths in the back. It was a very cute restaurant.

Andrew Downing
7/23/2012 09:49:34 pm

Hey Scott, it's good to see you're still alive and well after the absence of posts. I don't know what your plans are for the next few weeks but I'll be in Udine, north east Italy, from 1st to 3rd August before traveling back to England through Austria, Germany, Luxembourg and Northern France. I'll then return to Udine from 16th to 20th August. It would be nice to catch up if we happen to be in similar areas.

7/23/2012 10:57:44 pm

Hey Adrew,

Udine is off the beaten path for the moment but I am heading to Geneva next then hiking the alps but plan on going to Germany sometime in August unless I end up working on a farm in Switzerland for the month. I don't have a solid schedule but are you flying, train or bus because you will be passing somewhere closer to me. Maybe we can meet up. If I didn't need the money I would just come to Udine and see you. Would like to make it work if possible.


7/25/2012 08:26:02 am

Working on a Swiss farm sounds fun. I visited Switzerland a few years ago and really enjoyed it (especially the fondue) so I'm sure you'll have a good time there. Hopefully you'll get a chance to visit the temple there, although I should warn you that it will likely be full of Italians during August :)

Unfortunately I don't plan on passing through Switzerland this time. I'm riding a moped back from Italy to England and should be passing through Austria (near Innsbruck) from 3rd-4th August then Germany (past Stuttgart) from 4th - 6th August. I'll then continue through Luxembourg and northern France before catching the ferry to England on the 8th or 9th August.

It would be good if we could meet but it will likely be difficult with our tight budgets. The important thing is that we both travel safely.

7/28/2012 03:56:46 pm

Funny thing happened while waiting for my solar battery to arrive. I am currently in the hospital having had 40cm of my intestines removed from the hernia surgery I had in England. My intestines got twisted up in the mesh and it cut them off so I almost died... at least if felt like it lol. I can't travel now for a month so I'm stuck in Torino. If you can make it here I would be happy to see you.

8/2/2012 09:14:36 am

Hi Scott,

Andrew asked me to say that whilst we would love to see you in Torino, unfortunately it would be too big a diversion for them to make with their limited time so it wont be possible. From both of us, good luck with your recovery and we hope you're looked after ok.

8/2/2012 08:04:12 pm

Thanks Naomi, I understand. I won't be able to continue my journey until September so I won't be able to travel to meet them. I am being looked after very well actually. In fact, last night, another lady visiting a friend brought me a very nice gelato and the other visitors in my room said everyone is spoiling me. I smiled and said yes and thank you.

I hope all is going well for you and yours!!!


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