Left to right: Mary Claude, Roberto, Antonella. Their villa is in the middle of the little housing village behind them.

Antonella’s friends, Roberto and Mary Claude, invited us to spend three days in the Italian Alps with them in their mountain villa. We had a great time enjoying the river, scenery, fresh air and company of friends. What a great experience and what wonderful people.

Their villa was an old rock house attached to several others with rock roofs and wooden floors. A very primitive life as there was a broken water pipe so we carried buckets of water to drink, wash dishes and flush the toilets.

Roberto and I hiked for half a day to view the mountain ranges from a mountain peak high in the Alps. On the other side of the ice mountain was the Swiss Alps and to the right was France. It was a relatively short hike but very steep, nearer to mountain climbing that hiking at various points.

It is too bad the camera just can’t capture so many things in Europe because of the narrow passages or grand picturesque views, so I am limited on the pictures I take. It is drama requiring experience because of all the beauty, antiquity, character, ambiance and uniqueness. I wish there was a way to transfer all that I see and feel while traversing the various cities and country sides but each time I want to take a picture I think to myself, I could never capture this.

This is an Alpine village nestled in the back of the canyon. A cute little village where we ate lunch in a quaint little cafe.

Our last night we had a barbecue and the pork steaks were the best I’ve ever eaten. I thought it was beef until they informed me otherwise.

The Italians eat differently than any other country I’ve experienced. The meat or main course is served first, and then what most would consider starters and finally the salad or vegetables. They serve them last to freshen the breath and clean the teeth. The only problem I had is I would fill up on the main course thinking that was all and then more food would come so I would be filled to an uncomfortable level.

Antonella making a funny face.

Antonella is such a good person; I can only hope that should I marry again, my next wife would be like her. She knows what she wants in life (she paid 450 Euros for her glasses, which look great on her) but things will never take precedence over people with her. She is so unselfish she is a temptation for me; I truly admire her and happy I am able to know someone like her.

The church members here are trying to convince me to stop my pilgrimage and stay here with them but I cannot as there is much more for me to see and do. They have been so kind and good to me and I understand that they have several single women my age that they would like to have married so that may be the extra twisting of the arm I feel but I still consider it a wonderful friendship they have offered me. One sister in the ward also offered to translate my book “The Opportunity In Every Problem” into Italian. She told me Sunday she just finished chapter 4 and she should be done by this Sunday. She also changed the cover to reflect an Italian theme so I’m looking forward to seeing the outcome of her talents. She speaks very good English and does translating for a living so I suspect it will be good.

This is is the garden to the house just above. This was simply one of the cutest homes I saw so I had to take the pictures.

This is Hone fort and it guarded the entrance to the Alps or invasion from the Alps into the valley. It is now homes, museum and a restaurant I believe.

The pain in my stomach has subsided and where a week ago I could only do three push-ups because it would begin to hurt, today I did twenty and I suspect in another week or so I should get back to 30. I enjoyed carrying the buckets of water just to feel my strength slowly come back.

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