They had an excursion planned today for the mountains in Spain but it rained all last night so they changed it to visiting the château in Pau (which was on my agenda to do tomorrow as I continued my journey). Too bad this wasn't planned earlier, I could have let them just drop me off and started today, but I'm really trying not to travel on Sunday's and they are already planning for me to leave tomorrow and will have a “picnic” for me, which I believe means a sack lunch to help me on my journey. Are these people great or what?

This is the crew I was working with. The tall man was in charge and he didn't speak a bit of English so never really got to talk but he tried and was a very good guy. The smaller man was a volunteer too and spoke just a bit of English so I mainly spoke with him. He was a good hard worker and at 62 he could keep up with me no problem and even jogged to get things. He was a very good friend here and helped me quite a bit.

Here's the proof I was actually working lol.

Some of the interesting things I've encountered here at Secours Catholique (the Catholic Mission):

Food- For breakfast they served a bowl of either coffee, tea or hot chocolate and bread. There is also butter and jam. They serve it in a bowl for you to dip your bread in. They tend to put the butter on the bread then dip it and eat it then eat their jam with a spoon out of the little container. It was different. Another thing I didn't expect was they had chocolate and what I thought was caramel éclairs. What a maple donut looks like in America is caramel in England and coffee flavored here in France. Since I can't stand the taste of coffee, I didn't want to waste it so I finished it but then went up to get a chocolate one as well :-). The have a coffee machine that makes several types of coffee but also warm milk/cream. I thought it was just milk until I drank it and it burned my mouth so I put ice cubes in it to cool it down. They've served duck, tuna cakes, salmon, hamburger, chicken and various other things that I don't know what they consisted of but everything has been good.

I've told several people here I was Mormon but it didn't seem to phase a one. They have all treated me the same as everyone else and have tried helping me as they have everyone else here. I know they've joked about me at times because they would all look at me and laugh but all I could do was smile with a sheepish grin having no idea what was just said.

Having run out of glue for my shoes, I found some glue specifically for shoes, so hopefully it will hold better, and some nails, which I sank in, which will hopefully help hold them together. However, one of the nails punctured the air compartment of my shoe so I'm walking on one flat ;-).

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