There is a water feature in Bordeaux that sprays a mist and bubbles up water for people to play in and this band was playing some fun music in the mist.

Ihave spent a truly lovely weekend with my son’s in-laws in Bordeaux. What a great family!!! Denis took be around on Saturday and again on Monday showing me the city and its history. They have taken very good care of me. On Sunday I went to church with them and their son’s (Alban) fiancé (Chelsea from England) took the time to interpret for me. She and her family were wonderful as well! full of smiles and very friendly. At the end of the Sunday service an elderly man came to me and said I was going home with this family for dinner. I told him I was here with the Poussard family and he said, with surprise, “Oh, I did not know this. We just wanted to make sure you had someone to spend Sunday with.” What a great people.

I must say again, since most of the people reading this may have some reservations or prejudices against the French people, since I have been in the South of France, these people have been great! They are much more welcoming, hospitable and helpful than I ever expected and even more so than most Americans. If you ever go to France go to France and not Paris. There is a world of difference.

7/10/2012 01:41:34 am

The people of Paris and the surrounding cities were very nice to me for the two weeks I visited last year so maybe people in general have changed :)

7/10/2012 03:19:07 am

Hi Sharlene,

Actually, I was told in Bordeaux that in Paris they have been told by governments they need to change their attitude because it was hurting tourism. A news crew last year pretended they were tourists and they said they were treated much better so maybe they have changed.


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