A woman, who spoke very little English picked me up to take me to Cassis, the first stop on my tour of the various cities in the French Riviera. However, as we passed the city (which was very beautiful, she told me La Ciotat was a better city for me to stay in. It was the 13th of July and the French Independence day is the 14th but the city of La Ciotat was celebrating it on the 13th so that was nice to be there for it. I walked to the beach where the fireworks would be lit and a group of friends ended up sitting down next to me. As the evening progressed they offered me a beer and when I told them I don’t drink they gave me a coke then later some pretzels. Even though none of them could speak English, the took me in like I was family and stopped offering me food and just gave me some because I continually said no. In very broken English and using hand gestures, we ended up having a great time and joked well into the wee hours of the morning.

As I had the only cork screw around they told two other guys from Belgium that I could open their wine for them. When I found that they spoke English and were not part of the group of friends, I started talking to them. They were interested in my pilgrimage and why I would believe in God so I was able to share quite a few things with them, which made my day.

Sunrise in La Ciotat

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