I could only afford to take a picture of them but these cakes looked delicious (from Sanary).

From La Castellet nobody would give me a lift so I started hiking down the mountain hoping someone would have some compassion but no. Right from the beginning I ran into a crossroads and didn’t know which road to take but people wouldn’t even stop just to tell me which way to go. I finally ventured on figuring going down the hill should get me there eventually.

Some cool auto parts art in Sanary.

This looked like the wrong path because it appeared to be taking me in the wrong direction at a slow enough decline that I may have to walk a few miles out of the way so I decided to try cross country strait down. I slid a few times but all was well enough until I came to an 8 foot drop off. After trying several ideas but getting stuck several time from these vines with stickers like rose bushes, I found a place where I could get to about six feet then jumped. I was happy that I didn’t break and ankle and my pack didn’t come apart but it was quite jarring on my body and I did flatten my shoe even more. Now I was walking feeling a lump in my heel. I soon found that was not the only cliff. There was another one that dropped about 75’ to 100’ so I walked along until I came back to the original road. There was some wasted effort.

From La Castellet I travelled to Sanary-sur-Mer and made it for their Independence Day celebration and was I lucky to be here. It was the most fun I have had in a few years. At 9:00 pm they set up a market in town where again I was amazed by the French artist and their creativity. They also had three bands, one rock, one music from the 40’s, 50’s as well as samba, and other classic dance styles; and one of more mellow music. I spent most of the night at the rock band and it was truly a fun night.

They were great but the only problem is the audience was too reserved. I sat down in the front and after I did a bunch of kids started sitting down next to me so I started dancing while sitting and a few of the kids joined in and later a few adults. After the fireworks we all went back but this time I stood up and danced a little more wild but he to contain myself as the kids were still sitting on the ground in front of me and the crowd made it impossible to move much. It was still a lot of fun. When they finished I went to the classic music band and many people were dancing there and some even line dancing so I got to let it all out there and it was a lot of fun. Some youth ended up coming to dance by me and invited me to dance with them.

I have felt more at home here with these people than I have at home. If I were ever to consider living in another country again, Southern France would be a definite contender.

I was surprised to see that Sunday they continued the festivities in the evening again. They had the market and a few bands playing again. One of the artist selling in the market let me use his power to connect my computer so I asked him if I could help him put his stuff away or carry it to his van and he declined because he had a certain way of dealing with everything. However, when he was ready to go and pulled the plug on my power he asked if would like to stay in his shop to get out of the wind but I declined as I had a good spot on the beach. However, if I had stayed with him I could have recharged my batteries. Oops.

This was a cool little restaurant in

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