My son Zach, who served a mission for 2 years in France, told me about Southern France and how I had to go there. I'm so glad I did because it changed my perspective of the French people. Most people who want to go to France go to Paris and know little about the rest of the country. It's as if they visit New York and think, that's America. The people in Paris may be mostly rude, arrogant and non-appreciative of American's but the rest of the country are very kind decent people. Everyone tries to speak as much English with me and help me as much as they can. What a great people they are, same with the Spanish. I venture to guess I will find, throughout my travels, similar circumstances. Get away from the big cities and the rest of the world would get along just fine.

This is a cute uphill path to the amphitheater in the Secours Catholique Mission.

I know I had lost weight up to the time I came to this Catholic mission. Even though I am working outside and sweating so much you could ring out my shirt, they have been feeding me so much that I'm sure I'm gaining back all the weight I've lost.

This is an old thatched roof church they are having a mass in. I have only taken pictures of the unique old items I found fascinating but I was staying in an air conditioned modern room as much of the site is.

Had dinner with a Slovakian woman, a Vietnamese woman, a French man and a Bulgarian man and between us all, everyone was translating in the various languages so everyone could be a part of the conversation. It was a bit humorous but also interesting how we all so desperately wanted to be friends and communicate that we took our time and waited for everyone to get the translation and stay in the conversation.

People have commented on the amount of work I am doing and seem surprised that a man coming from an executive background would do so much. I tell them; sitting behind a desk all day is hard because it wears you out mentally and when you're done there is no rest from it. When you work physically and finish, you rest and your mind is still strong. I then tell them; this physical labor is a holiday for me.

I came in from work for lunch and because we got in a bit late I went to the bathroom and washed my face and arms but still has my sweat soaked shirt on. A lady came up to me speaking French and grabbed my shirt. I thought she was commenting on how much sweat there was. She came back a few minutes later with a new workers shirt and told me to change right now so I did. Volunteers are not supposed to get one of these shirts but now I have one (I guess I have to improve on my table manners :-).

This is the coolest amphitheater I think I have ever seen in my life. I wish I could capture it all. the seats are all build like rock fences and have multiple tiers that look gorgeous with all the trees and rocks they are built around it is much bigger than the picture and the angle doesn't do it justice. This is a beautiful retreat and was built because Bernadette, who was very poor as a child, suggested there needs to be a place where the poor can come and stay for free yet still have their self respect.

7/6/2012 01:32:25 am

WOW!! Well they do say that "The World is a stage"..... It seems that you are in a Fantastic area of the stage!!!
So was it Shakespeare you did or a chapter from "How to fall in love with UGLY"...Lol...Either are masterfully written.

If you need or want new track shoes or something...All you need do is ask....(and tell me what size)...Lol....
"The Lord said....Ask and you shall receive".

Regards and best wishes....
Amanda and the Girls say Hi too.

7/6/2012 02:15:47 pm

Thanks for the offer Byron, and the humor ;-).But the nails are holding out so far and the new glue is holding a little better :-). And, yes, I am enjoying the stage I'm on at the moment!!!

Hugs to your girls and thanks again,


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