Where I sat waiting for a lift.

I ended up taking the little train back down to Zermatt and from there I started walking again. I got a couple miles down the road when a ski team picked me up. They had one of the top skiers in the nation there sitting next to me. They were surprised I hadn’t heard of her but she was very young as well. They dropped me off in Brig which looked like a cute little town but I couldn’t stay as I need to get though Italy and on a boat heading south as the winter weather is upon me.

This is a look at the Alps after the storm the night before. First snow of the year. This was the lake in Italy where I walked for 20

I was hitchhiking when two guys walked by and I asked them if this was the best place to wait. One of them (Lionel) said it will be hard getting a lift from the area they would drop me and suggested I take the bus as it was only 2 or 3 Swiss Francs. I told him I have money but I haven’t exchanged any for Swiss Francs so he told me he would buy my ticket for me. That was very nice of him but as we were walking he said where the bus will drop me, the cars drive too fast to stop for me. He then offered to pay for a train ticket to the first stop in Italy so would not get stuck in the snow. We went to his house so he could get some money and while there he gave me a yogurt, apple and orange. That was very nice of him so on the way to the train station I found he has his own business and I offered to send him my marketing/sales training system to say thanks. I will also send him my book as he may be able to find an opportunity with what he has going on. At the train station he gave me another 10 francs so I could buy something to eat. I had planned on fasting a third day as I had never felt hungry or had a diabetic attack in the two days of fasting without food or water, but after that gesture, and the fact that I already received my answer, I said thanks and feasted on a cheese sandwich, a couple of donuts (yes, that ate up the 10 francs) and the other food he gave me.

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