I spent the night in Foix and this is the Chateau de Foix or the Castle of Foix.

I awoke to the most beautiful song birds I've ever heard. No squawks or caws in the bunch, just a variety of song birds. It was awesome.

23rd June 2012- It has been a long arduous journey but I made it to Lourdes in the evenings. I don’t know how many miles I hiked today but it was a lot as few people would give me a lift. I lost track of the days and didn’t realized it was Saturday so I guess I will spend the Sabbath in Lourdes but I don’t know if there is an LDS church here so I may attend an different on.

I had my first miracle today. In the Book of Mormon there is a prophet named Nephi who was tied up by his brothers. He prayed for the strength to burst the bands. Instead, the Lord loosened the cords so they fell off him. Well, my prescription glasses are just not working for me anymore when I read. I still have to hold my scriptures at arm’s length and the words are yet blurred. This morning I prayed for the Lord to heal my eyes so I could continue to read and study, that my work would not be hampered. While on this long hike a few miles from any town, I found a pair of glasses on the side of the road in perfect condition. I tried them on and I could not see a thing and figured these were not for me. I then saw a piece of trash on the ground and picked it up to see if I could read and I could see even the fine print easily. Now with these glasses I can see things up close and they are huge. The Lord knows our needs and provides in his own way.

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