The kids from Canada told me that Monaco was the place they enjoyed the most so far so the next day I was off to Monaco and Monte Carlo. I ran into a guy from Australia with a couple from Kansas. During our conversation they told me they had a very bad night and, at first, didn’t want to admit to anything. Finally the guy from Kansas said he awoke to a prostitute fondling him. At that point the all looked at me and froze, awaiting my reaction. I smiled then said, “Congratulations”, wherein they burst out in laughter before I could continue. When they stopped laughing I continued, now you know one of the reasons that if you must drink, do it in moderation. I hope you aren’t taking any additions home with you. They all nodded in agreement as he said that’s what he was afraid of.

 I could see why the kids would enjoy it as Monaco has a large area with fun things for kids. For me, although the place was a nice city to see, it was full of rich people who mostly seemed sad. Everywhere I go I smile at people and most places everyone smiles not here. Even the tourists you never saw smiling. They have an old town but the other old towns I have been to, I preferred over this one.

Monte Carlo was a bust for me because they wouldn’t allow me into the casino with my back pack and they didn’t have a place to store one. Parked outside were several expensive cars like Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Aston Martins, high end Mercedes, etc. From there I had another difficult time continuing my journey. I ended up walking on the auto route again for several miles before being picked up by rainbow people (similar to the squatters) who took me just across the Italian boarder then gave me half a melon and some rosemary for my fire in the evening. Meeting people like this is so awe inspiring to me because I’m just not used to having people so willing to help and then to see they are so poor but want to give more than you need or ask for.

Monaco's old town did not stand out to me other than looking very clean and new compared to many others.

You do have to hike a fairly steep hill to get to the old town.

This was the fort of the old town in Monaco.

This is the view from Monte Carlo

View of the harbor from Monte Carlo

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