This was a statue erected to Dante for his success with The Divine Comedy and other works.

I was told there was a saying that once you’ve seen Naples you could die… meaning: Once you’ve seen the beauty of Naples there was nothing better so you’ve seen all there is left to see. However, apparently, we went into the worst areas of Naples and it was the dirtiest city I have ever seen. It is crime ridden, full of graffiti, had trash all over the place, the buildings were run down and even the water tasted disgusting. Antonella’s friends we were staying with (Lina & Mimo) were upset with her for not taking me to the nice areas of town but these were the areas she knew of. We did stay in a nice hostel though.

View of Naples
Alternative bus. These guys don't have work so they get an old bus, follow the bus paths and pick up people for about 2/3 the cost of the regular bus. I am sitting on the ground and the lady pictured is Lina who housed us.
Mount Vesuvius. The volcano that buried Pompeii.
Ruins in Naples

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