We also went to the Palace of Caserta which was beautiful but quite the hike. A guy told us that it was a 7km (4.5 miles) round trip to go from one end to the other so we had a good walk. We ran out of time so I rushed though only part of the English garden that was awesome. I wish I could have gone through it all with Antonella. We actually could have stayed longer as we still got back too late and missed our opportunity to stay the night with her friends as they had to leave early. We ended up staying in a hostel in Naples that was nice for a hostel. They were given top ratings in 2008.

I've never seen columns like this. They were beautiful!
Inside the chapel in the castle
Stairway to the chapel.
The huge building in the background is the castle. This is around 2 miles away from it.
Entering the English Garden
Have you ever seen a Yucca grow to cover like a full tree?
It was too dark to get the really cool part but this is like a hidden garden where you go almost through a rock maze to get to and there was also like a hallway of many statues but it was too dark for the camera. Very cool to see though.

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