This is a tomato spider behind Timothy's shop. It's body is about half the length of my little finger but about the same girth.

I know it has been a while since my last update but I have been mostly working for the last three weeks making wallpaper with Timothy (the son of Roberto and Mary Claude). Timothy has been great to work with and feeds me very well for lunch. We usually have a sandwich made with nice meat and soft cheese or salmon marinated in lemon juice with crackers. We then have gelato (ice cream) and finish it off with fennel, which I have never had before but it is a vegetable with the consistency of celery and tastes like liquorish.

My body is finally used to the work and I pretty much have it down but it is time for me to leave. I have been told by Mary Claude that Timothy tells her I work too hard and he gets a lot done with me compared to others he’s had work for him. I told him in the beginning that I may have been a businessman sitting behind a desk most of my life but I do know how to work, so I’m glad I was able to live up to what I said and help him out. I will continue helping him change his business model and marketing via email and hopefully help his business start making money as he has been floundering for four years now.

Antonella invited Dominiquo, Mariangela, their parents and aunt over Sunday with the missionaries and we had a great time with them and it is good to see Dominiquo on the mend from his intestinal surgeries. They have invited us to dinner at their house tonight before I leave tomorrow morning for Bordeaux, France to visit with my son and his in-laws for a few days following the marriage of their son in England.

 For the really great news, Sjlvia Macchi, a professional translator in our church here in Italy, has translated my book (The Opportunity In Every Problem) into Italian. I can’t thank her enough and hope it will be distributed throughout Italy (eventually) to help people find opportunities here.

This is the second piece of junk solar batter sent to me from China. The batteries are bulged and don’t work and this is a brand new unit. The first one had batteries but wouldn’t charge. This one charges but has no batteries so it charges for about 3 minutes then stops. This is after I told them I am traveling and can’t wait around for shipping from China so please test the unit before you send the second one. They assured me they would and would also send me a European plug. Instead they send me another piece of junk that if they tested, would find right away that it didn’t work; and of course they sent me an American plug. This has been such a waste of time and money as I have to keep paying shipping to send it back and forth. I will demand my money back but I doubt they will because I opened it but I will let people on ebay know my experience with them.

For comparison: The batter in my hand is what it is supposed to look like. The Pillows are bad batteries. Remember, this is the brand new replacement for the first brand new piece of junk they sent me.

This is from the haiguang-store so if you ever buy electronics on ebay, be sure it is not from this store.

Andrew Downing
9/21/2012 10:23:20 pm

Hi Scott,

I never have much faith in buying tech products from China on ebay. I've only ever found disappointment in the past.

Have you looked at the Freeloader solar chargers? I bought the Globetrotter Pro for my recent trip and it worked perfectly, keeping 3 mobile phones, 2 cameras and a satnav charged for the 9 day trip. As their top spec. package, the Globetrotter Pro is a little pricey (I think I paid around £70-£80) but the there a cheaper options available, such as the Freeloader Pico which has good reviews. Here's a link to their range - http://www.solartechnology.co.uk/freeloader-solar-chargers.htm

9/25/2012 06:33:22 am

Thanks for the tip Andrew. I spent about that much between the product and shipping their junk back and forth. Now they don't respond and ebay and paypal say it has been too long since I purchased it in May so they won't do anything and I can't do a negative feedback on them either so they got away with ripping me off and having no ramifications. If I make some money I will get the one you suggest as it is important to me to keep my computer charged so I can write my books.

Thanks again for the info.


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