20th June 2012- We took the train to the next little town in France then went our different ways. I had to hike over a mile up hill before I got to the top where I could catch a lift. My next destination was Andorra, a small country in the middle of the boarder between Spain and France. I got a lift from several people but one guy had a rented van and was moving. His house was on the way to Andorra so I offered to help him move his things into his house. He was a Christian turned Buddhist and what a great guy. He spoke English so we had a great conversation but also we were driving through the Pyrenes Mountains. It was the first time I've seen mountains in 5 year and what a sight. They were beautiful. However, after he dropped me off I ended up having to hike up those mountains a few miles so they stopped looking so beautiful... just kidding.

6/22/2012 12:25:16 pm

Who did you take the train with?

6/23/2012 11:03:00 pm

The 2 German girls I camped with


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