After Naples, we went to Salerno then up the cost about 40kms to a couple coastal cities that were very beautiful. Tuscany was beautiful but this area was even better. Unfortunately, we were on the bus so many of the most wonderful scenes I’ve ever seen I could not capture. Antonella said, if she ever gets married, she would like to come here for her honeymoon. It was quite spectacular and I would rather have rented a car and spent a few days along the coast to take it all in. Instead, we had to rush to make sure she got to her train on time.

This was such a cool fountain. It was a statue but the moss has almost entirely covered it. It was beautiful.
There is just something wrong when you have a sign like this pointing toward a kids toy store.
We had an unfortunate incident the last night we were there. We got a but going the wrong direction and when we got to the final destination, Antonella realized her mistake. Unfortunately, we had to go back where we just came from but due to the late hour, there would not be another bus or train to take us back to Salerno so she asked the bus driver is there was a hostel in the city he was going. No, but there was one in the city where we took the wrong bus so he dropped us off there. However, we soon found the hostel had closed. We went to a few hotels but it was a tourist town so the prices were double the normal hotel prices and since my money was stolen and she had run out of hers, we couldn’t afford it. I ended up taking her to a 4 star hotel but we slept sitting on their welcome mat. Only the best for the girls I hang with (sorry Antonella).

The worst part of it was the severe tropical storm that hit. The rain was so crazy, while I was running through it trying to find better shelter for us, I heard this rushing river but the sound was not coming from the direction of the main water flow. I looked and there was basically a flash flood coming through the buildings down the stairway and it looked like white water rafting down the stairs. If you have ever been to Universal Studios when they let the 10,000 gallon barrel of water go to make a flash flood through the city walls, it was like that. Needless to say, my feet were soaked as well as much of the rest of me. Antonella did her best to take care of me but we had a mostly sleepless night and were very uncomfortable. Now she knows what life is really like for me out here (okay, that was closer to the extreme negative but it happens. The worst night for me still was when I had to try and sleep in a shopping cart).

These were professional models with a camera crew following them all over the town and they seemed to follow us LOL. They ended up going almost everywhere we went so they are going to have some problems getting us out of all their pics.
I didn't want my picture taken but then I joked with Antonella and this was my attempt at a sexy pose LOL. Okay, but what do you expect from a 48After Antonella caught her train for home I walked 2.5 miles to McD’s to get online. I Skyped my son and we chatted for a while (which is difficult with all the noise in McD’s because Italians have got to be the loudest people on the planet J), then my son remembered that I sent him a bank card in case anything ever happened to me, it would be easy for him to get my money. He searched and found it then went to the bank to see if there was any money left on the account. It was blocked and he could only get $40 out but he said there was over $300 dollars in the account so I guess Barclays did get the message and stopped the account so I didn’t lose all the money in there.

I will now try to find a boat I can work on that will also take me to the other side of the equator. I wanted to go to Australia but it looks like I will have to pay for a visa so unless I get some paid work, I guess I will have to miss Australia. I also don’t know if I will have internet on the boat so it could be several weeks or months that I may be off line until I find my next location to update my blog.

9/6/2013 04:12:51 pm


9/6/2013 04:23:17 pm

I was referring about the statement in the picture where you said you wanted rent a car..but..I've to live soon!..


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