I set up my tent to avoid mosquitoes and lock up my things so I could wonder around the town feeling a little more safe.

This is the view from the roof going into the house. The entire house looks about the same.

There are 5 stories worth of these tiny stairs to climb. They are about 2ft wide and my pack scraped the walls all the way up. There is no light so going down it gets pitch black except for the edge of he stairs so you can see about where your foot should hit.

6/13/2012 12:39:46 am

where are you at the moment?
according to the church website if you are in Barcelona there should be two wards near by
if you gave me a rough address I could try and look around for you if you want

6/14/2012 01:11:45 am

You're right Nathan but I've been punked by the church. After walking around about 5 hours looking for it, I found the address for the first church doesn't exist. Big joke on me LOL! I will try the second one this Sunday but I will walk there tomorrow (without my backpack) to see if there really is a church there or if the church is hiding it's buildings from me :-)


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