This and the other two pics are from a cute little park I walked to last night.

I had an awkward moment today. I went to the beach and while out swimming virtually by myself a topless woman came out swimming toward me. As she got closer I recognized her as the woman in the group of people who took me to the first squatter house. She is a 28 year old Croatian woman who was very nice to me as she spoke the best English there. She chatted with me for about 20 minutes, my eye staying fastened to hers. When she started to play and jump around I told her I was going to go lay out on the beach a while.

I fell asleep and when I awoke I was surrounded by mostly topless women. The beaches here are not nude beaches but there are some people (mostly men) nude and a spattering of women topless. I talked to a Spanish person about it and she was talking about how America is so uptight and they didn't see a problem with it. Okay, that's fine for them, I hope I can find the church Sunday and possibly stay with a member while I continue my stay in Barcelona.

Andrew Downing
6/20/2012 05:35:47 am

No photos from the beach then?

6/21/2012 08:41:42 pm

Sorry Andrew but no :-)


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