I arrived in Toulouse after a couple lifts wherein I was able to share some gospel interests as well as some interested in opportunities so I gave them my book. I met Emily at the train station and seeing I didn’t know where I was going she helped me to get to the town center and showed me the points of interest I needed. However, she also invited me to stay with her boyfriend, Sebastian, and herself in their new condo. It was a very nice place and I enjoyed their company immensely.

Sebastian was starting a new business so I helped him to understand marketing a bit more and left him with my marketing coaching program. They were too kind and even gave me a lift back into town. They also told me about Pezenas so I decided to visit this town.

Check out the inside of this Catholic church. The picture doesn't do it justice. This was an incredible edifice.

Look at the pipe organ up high on the wall. This is from the podium looking back toward the entrance.

This may be an old church but look at the wear on the rock steps from the number of people who have traversed these steps over the years.

Here is a bit of creativity I've never seen before. This guy is chipping out a design to make his wood pile look nice.

I got as far as Narbonne and stayed the night in my tent there. I found a field with bushes so I went to one spot and discovered a tent already there. I went to another and a tent also resided so I made a spot crushing down some weeds. The next day I walked some distance until I found a place outside of the town where I could hitch a lift. A young lady picked me up but misunderstood me and took me to a small country town instead of where I needed to go. I ended up walking several miles down a lonely road where cars come by about once every half hour and they don’t pick up hitch hikers. The nail in my shoe, that gave me a flat, worked its way through to my foot so I had to pull it out. Wouldn’t you know (another miracle but this time without asking) about one hundred yards further down the road I found a sealed bag of small screws just the right size to fix the shoe. I finally received a lift from a 19 year old fire fighter and had a nice conversation with him. He dropped me off in Beziers, where I was initially trying to go and from there I got a lift to Pezenas.

Pezanas was an amazing town. If you ever want souvenirs from all over the world, go to Pezenas. They have a ton of artists there making all kinds of crafts and art it was truly amazing. They have an old town there that was preserved since the 16th century and it is full of little shops filled with these artisans and craftsmen and women. If you ever go there, bring plenty of money and an empty suitcase because you will be bringing things home.

As Pezenas is off the beaten path, I had a trial getting a lift having to wait right a roundabout directly going on the freeway. Nobody was stopping and I started dozing off. Yann though I was dead but as his car drove by my wrist turned in time for him to see my thumb and he stopped to pick me up. He took an accidental turn in the wrong direction and when he corrected himself, there I was. Yann took me all the way to Montpilliar and said the next day he was heading for Marseille which is near where my next stop will be at the beginning of the French Riviera. Yann bought me a very nice dinner at an upscale restaurant where they served me an excellent steak and a starter of goose liver (now banned in California because of the way they get it by stuffing a goose with so much food they almost burst). It was so good I couldn’t believe it. Luckily, he told me about it after I tried it. He let me also stay in his hotel room and we will be on our way around 2:00 pm today. What a great guy! He is an engineer and a salesman so I also gave him my training program, book and advice that will hopefully help him in his business future.

Here is a sample of the Pezenas art or creativity. These are old LP's. They bend them to make flower pots, a vase, magazine holder, etc.

Compared to most of France, the prices are not bad here either.

I am so amazed by the people I have met so far on this trip. I have never felt so welcomed in my life by strangers.

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