You could take pictures all day in Tuscany and this is not the best by any means but this was just a place where I was waiting for a lift. These pictures are out of sync because going back to Turin and while there I didn't take many pictures and I took too many of Pisa and Florence so my notes getting to those locations will show their pictures.

This is the leaning Cathedral of Pisa. I don't know how I did this but the effect looks like the tower is strait up and the cathedral is leaning.

From Milan it was difficult getting lifts to Turin. After a few short lifts (one of them the man also bought me breakfast), a man picked me up that was going to get his daughter in Turin. It was over an hour lift and his destination was only about a 15 minute walk from Antonella’s house.

The streets of Pisa are very narrow and the buildings very old.

I spent another week with Antonella and visited Dominico in the hospital. His spirits were down as he has been struggling with his intestinal problem since June having had several operations. It was nice to see him and his family once again but I only wish it could have been under better circumstances. He started working as a waiter again but the sutures came undone and he had to go back in.

Here is another odd picture. You now have the leaning tree of Pisa that was leaning with the tower. This is the image I woke up to.

Antonella made more sacrifices for me, having basically no money for the next month she still housed me for a week. Never have I known a person so willing to sacrifice for others as Antonella. She will always stay in my mind and in my heart. Her friends are so great too, all trying to convince me to stay in Torino. I just can’t thank her enough for all the help she offers even while she suffers and goes without herself. You just don’t find people like that.

This was inside the Cathedral in Pisa.

I was going to meet Antonella one evening to go visit Dominico and her parents graves but I misunderstood her directions and ended up walking through the Turin city center. I had not seen this part of Turin before and it was quite a beautiful city.

This is another view from within the Cathedral. The artwork is phenomenal.

On the way to Savona two men took me off the main roads into the mountain roads and dropped me off in Alba. From there I only received 2 short lifts and ended up walking about 30km (18 miles) before a young Romanian man gave me a lift. He was only going a short distance leaving me 20km to go to get to Savona. He decided to take me the rest of the way as it was near dark.

The last view from inside the Pisa Cathedral.

From Turin to Pisa I received 7 lifts. Four of those were from Romanians. In Romania they have no problem giving lifts. In Italy, about 20 years ago, a hitchhiker (or hitchhikers) was killing people and taking their cars. Now, Italians don’t pick up hitchhikers so it is difficult at times to get a lift.

The Star of the show. The most famous tower in the world... the leaning tower of Pisa.

 In Pisa you have the leaning tower and the church from which it stands and that’s about it. There isn’t much more to see in the city but the tower and church are worth the trip. It is quite a spectacular scene.

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