


This is the view from my window where I will be staying until Sunday or Monday.

25 June 2012- I was told of a camp where I could put up my tent for free but it was on the other mountain side of Lourdes. After a long hike up the winding road of the mountain and the soles of my shoes falling off, I finally reached the camp. However, I was told I could not sleep there (at least I think that's what he was saying as he was kicking me out). There was another Catholic camp next to it so I spoke to the reception and told them I do not have money for camping but just need a place to set up my tent. He tried to send me back to the other camp. He finally called a woman who spoke English and after telling her my situation they said I cannot set up a tent but they would give me a room and breakfast for the evening as it was late and getting dark.

It was so nice to sleep in a bed again and not having rocks poking my side as I tried to sleep. I also had a nice shower. It is funny because there is no TV or anything special, just a room with a small bed and a shower but it feels so luxurious to me.

After breakfast I asked if I could help wash dishes or mop the floor to give back for their kindness. They struggled to understand what I meant but knew I wanted to volunteer. They sent me to an office where there was a woman who spoke a little English and she told me I would have to fill in a form for volunteering. She asked if I could do gardening and I said that is fine. After I filled in the form she gave me a key and I asked what this is for. She told me it was for my room. I told her I already spent the night would only be here for the day to help and repay their kindness. She told me I would be here for a week or until Sunday and I will start tomorrow at 8:00 am. I smiled and said okay. So I guess I will be gardening for the rest of the week and there is internet here so I will be online the rest of the week but only in the evenings here in France. I am still amazed over all the people willing to help me on this pilgrimage.

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