My son Zach, who served a mission for 2 years in France, told me about Southern France and how I had to go there. I'm so glad I did because it changed my perspective of the French people. Most people who want to go to France go to Paris and know little about the rest of the country. It's as if they visit New York and think, that's America. The people in Paris may be mostly rude, arrogant and non-appreciative of American's but the rest of the country are very kind decent people. Everyone tries to speak as much English with me and help me as much as they can. What a great people they are, same with the Spanish. I venture to guess I will find, throughout my travels, similar circumstances. Get away from the big cities and the rest of the world would get along just fine.

This is a cute uphill path to the amphitheater in the Secours Catholique Mission.

I know I had lost weight up to the time I came to this Catholic mission. Even though I am working outside and sweating so much you could ring out my shirt, they have been feeding me so much that I'm sure I'm gaining back all the weight I've lost.

This is an old thatched roof church they are having a mass in. I have only taken pictures of the unique old items I found fascinating but I was staying in an air conditioned modern room as much of the site is.

Had dinner with a Slovakian woman, a Vietnamese woman, a French man and a Bulgarian man and between us all, everyone was translating in the various languages so everyone could be a part of the conversation. It was a bit humorous but also interesting how we all so desperately wanted to be friends and communicate that we took our time and waited for everyone to get the translation and stay in the conversation.

People have commented on the amount of work I am doing and seem surprised that a man coming from an executive background would do so much. I tell them; sitting behind a desk all day is hard because it wears you out mentally and when you're done there is no rest from it. When you work physically and finish, you rest and your mind is still strong. I then tell them; this physical labor is a holiday for me.

I came in from work for lunch and because we got in a bit late I went to the bathroom and washed my face and arms but still has my sweat soaked shirt on. A lady came up to me speaking French and grabbed my shirt. I thought she was commenting on how much sweat there was. She came back a few minutes later with a new workers shirt and told me to change right now so I did. Volunteers are not supposed to get one of these shirts but now I have one (I guess I have to improve on my table manners :-).

This is the coolest amphitheater I think I have ever seen in my life. I wish I could capture it all. the seats are all build like rock fences and have multiple tiers that look gorgeous with all the trees and rocks they are built around it is much bigger than the picture and the angle doesn't do it justice. This is a beautiful retreat and was built because Bernadette, who was very poor as a child, suggested there needs to be a place where the poor can come and stay for free yet still have their self respect.




This is the view from my window where I will be staying until Sunday or Monday.

25 June 2012- I was told of a camp where I could put up my tent for free but it was on the other mountain side of Lourdes. After a long hike up the winding road of the mountain and the soles of my shoes falling off, I finally reached the camp. However, I was told I could not sleep there (at least I think that's what he was saying as he was kicking me out). There was another Catholic camp next to it so I spoke to the reception and told them I do not have money for camping but just need a place to set up my tent. He tried to send me back to the other camp. He finally called a woman who spoke English and after telling her my situation they said I cannot set up a tent but they would give me a room and breakfast for the evening as it was late and getting dark.

It was so nice to sleep in a bed again and not having rocks poking my side as I tried to sleep. I also had a nice shower. It is funny because there is no TV or anything special, just a room with a small bed and a shower but it feels so luxurious to me.

After breakfast I asked if I could help wash dishes or mop the floor to give back for their kindness. They struggled to understand what I meant but knew I wanted to volunteer. They sent me to an office where there was a woman who spoke a little English and she told me I would have to fill in a form for volunteering. She asked if I could do gardening and I said that is fine. After I filled in the form she gave me a key and I asked what this is for. She told me it was for my room. I told her I already spent the night would only be here for the day to help and repay their kindness. She told me I would be here for a week or until Sunday and I will start tomorrow at 8:00 am. I smiled and said okay. So I guess I will be gardening for the rest of the week and there is internet here so I will be online the rest of the week but only in the evenings here in France. I am still amazed over all the people willing to help me on this pilgrimage.

his My shoes are struggling with the heavy pack and all the hiking I'm doing. This will be the 4th time I've glued them in the last 2 weeks. I will try to find some tacks to help hold them together until I can get some money coming in. I've heard I can work picking fruit in Finland for a few weeks at the end of July so if they last until then I will be fine.

This is Lourdes from the Basiliques.

Front of the Basiliques. I saw a sign that said St. Gabriel so that might be the name of it.

The back view of the Basiliques

All the crosses are pilgrimages from different groups.

In the rocks at the bottom is where Bernadette actually saw Mary several times. It is called the Grotte (or pig sty).

Close up of the Grotte.

This is the Crypt where I stayed for Mass (I think it was mass). The acoustics in there were amazing. I thought I was listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. 

I spent the night in Foix and this is the Chateau de Foix or the Castle of Foix.

I awoke to the most beautiful song birds I've ever heard. No squawks or caws in the bunch, just a variety of song birds. It was awesome.

23rd June 2012- It has been a long arduous journey but I made it to Lourdes in the evenings. I don’t know how many miles I hiked today but it was a lot as few people would give me a lift. I lost track of the days and didn’t realized it was Saturday so I guess I will spend the Sabbath in Lourdes but I don’t know if there is an LDS church here so I may attend an different on.

I had my first miracle today. In the Book of Mormon there is a prophet named Nephi who was tied up by his brothers. He prayed for the strength to burst the bands. Instead, the Lord loosened the cords so they fell off him. Well, my prescription glasses are just not working for me anymore when I read. I still have to hold my scriptures at arm’s length and the words are yet blurred. This morning I prayed for the Lord to heal my eyes so I could continue to read and study, that my work would not be hampered. While on this long hike a few miles from any town, I found a pair of glasses on the side of the road in perfect condition. I tried them on and I could not see a thing and figured these were not for me. I then saw a piece of trash on the ground and picked it up to see if I could read and I could see even the fine print easily. Now with these glasses I can see things up close and they are huge. The Lord knows our needs and provides in his own way.

22nd June 2012- Another hard night. My bed roll is not very thick and I get uncomfortable easily so I keep waking up several times per night. My feet are also freezing which keeps me up. Last night I even put my jacket around the foot of my sleeping bag but they were still very cold. Makes me wonder how I will cope with winter.

I have hitch hiked back to Andorra city and now that I have internet access, I have found where I need to go to get to Lourdes. I basically have to go back about 20 miles into France to get to a road heading toward Lourdes. I have to stay here a few more hours while my batteries charge so


I got several short lifts before I got into Andorra. Andorra is amazing! It is so beautiful and it is also very rich. All the buildings are beautiful and clean, and so are the cities. I stayed in the town just before the city Andorra called Escaldes Engordany in a camp site.

This is a statue I came across in Escaldes. Imagine working your fields in clogs.

20th June 2012- We took the train to the next little town in France then went our different ways. I had to hike over a mile up hill before I got to the top where I could catch a lift. My next destination was Andorra, a small country in the middle of the boarder between Spain and France. I got a lift from several people but one guy had a rented van and was moving. His house was on the way to Andorra so I offered to help him move his things into his house. He was a Christian turned Buddhist and what a great guy. He spoke English so we had a great conversation but also we were driving through the Pyrenes Mountains. It was the first time I've seen mountains in 5 year and what a sight. They were beautiful. However, after he dropped me off I ended up having to hike up those mountains a few miles so they stopped looking so beautiful... just kidding.

19th June 2012- Left Barcelona and took the train to Portbou which is the Northern most city in Spain. A cute little town with a small harbour and beach front. The beach had no sand but was filled with the most perfect skipping rocks I've ever seen. You could skip any rock and I spent a but of time doing so. I ended up camping with a couple of young German girls. They were very nice and offered to share some food they picked out of the trash. My stomach was already a little off so I declined but was amazed at what people throw away. There was an entire chicken breast, calamari and fried potatoes. They ate pretty good if you like your food cold.

This is the small Portbou Harbour.

Near the little white house on the beach is where I camped for the night.